What Do Men Wear Under The Kilt?

'An Irishman goes to the bounded pub to absolve St. Patrick's Day, like he does every day, and gets ashen out of his mind. He stumbles alfresco aback the bartender tells him that he's had enough, but he can almost walk. So he leans up adjoin a tree, area he passes out. A few account later, a brace of accomplished lassies go walking by. One says to the added one, "Do you anticipate they abrasion annihilation below those kilts?" She admits that she doesn't know. So they go to analysis it out. She lifts up the kilt and sees him in all his glory. As they alter the kilt and get accessible to airing away, an abstraction enters one of their heads. "Give me your dejected beard ribbon," she says. Reluctantly, she easily it over. She goes aback over to the Irishman, lifts up the kilt, and ties the award to him. They airing abroad laughing.

A few hours later, the bashed gets up to booty a piss. He stands up, walks over to the bushes, hikes up his kilt, looks bottomward and sees the dejected ribbon. He thinks for a minute and says, "To be altogether honest, I don't apperceive how you got away, and I don't apperceive what you did, and I don't apperceive who you did it to, but I'm abiding animated to see that you got aboriginal prize!".'

Batman Clothes

The all-inclusive majority of Scotsmen still accept to abrasion annihilation below their kilts, according to a survey out today. The analysis of men arctic of the bound appear that 69 per cent of kilt-wearers adopt to "go commando".

Of the remainder, 14 per cent said they wore boxers and 10 per cent chose briefs - with 7 per cent acceptance to falling into the rather cryptic "other" category. One man accepted cutting a thong with a Batman motif. Researchers begin that a ample cardinal of Scotsmen generally fabricated up their minds on the base of how academic the break was. Many adopted to abrasion underwear for occasions such as weddings, while on beneath academic outings such as rugby matches they went without.

What about you? Do you area annihilation below your kilt? That is aloof your top abstruse but what to do with all those who appetite to get that advice from you?
What do you usually acknowledgment to a analytical ones aback asked the best accepted and 'favourite' question: What do you abrasion below your kilt? If you generally accept annihilation to say or aloof to shy to epitomize maybe it is time to angle in advanced of the mirror and try some of those propositions of an able responses:

How abominably do you appetite to know?

How balmy are your hands?

Me mother already told me a absolute adult wouldn't ask. She was right, God absolve 'er.

My Scottish pride.

On a acceptable day, lipstick.

Play your cards appropriate and you can acquisition out.

Tell me amazon , would you go jogging after a bra? If so, area do you jog and when?

Sorry, I'm a bit shy and not abundant acceptable with words. Give me your hand...

Talcum powder.

So which one do you like the most? Remember to acknowledgment with abounding aplomb and appropriate dose of humor!

What Do Men Wear Under The Kilt?

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